As Halloween draws near, customers make more purchases to celebrate the holiday. Customers always shop during Halloween. These include Halloween decorations, costumes, and regular products. Online store owners can increase Halloween sales with images this year. You can generate beautiful and captivating image designs that attract buyers.

Many brands are competing for your ideal customer's attention. So, you want to stand out and show your uniqueness. You can use compelling images as part of your Halloween marketing ideas. Learn how to boost your Halloween sales with images this year.

Best Way to Create Eye-catching Images that Boost Halloween Sales

halloween sales image AI

AI tools have become more prevalent in recent years. Individuals and businesses use AI for various purposes, including image generation. E-commerce platforms are part of this trend. They rely on the visual appeal or representation of products to attract customers. AI tools allow users to generate exciting images with extra convenience and comfort. You can do this within seconds or a few minutes.

Using an AI tool to generate images for your online store saves you money. This includes money to hire professional photographers. It also saves time for recruiting and waiting for results and other stress you may encounter. Who wouldn't want to get studio-quality attractive images without much hassle? One tool you can trust with your AI image generation is Wondershare's VirtuLook.

In this article
    1. Multi-Product Marketing
    2. Online Store and Email Decoration
    3. New Product Images
    4. Include Exciting Deals
    5. Social Media Targeted Ads and Posts
    6. Google Ads
    7. Organise Competitions or Trends
    8. Customize Products

Wondershare VirtuLook

wondershare virtulook website

Add VirtuLook to your Halloween marketing tool if you need eye-catching images. VirtuLook is an AI tool that offers users a try-on and product generation feature. It allows you to create attractive photos you can use in your online stores.

If you own a clothing brand, you can generate realistic images of AI models. They can rock your outfit in beautiful scenery using the try-on generation feature. The product generation feature works for any product. You can generate a Halloween image to boost your sales this season with VirtuLook.

How to Create Stunning Images with VirtuLook

Using VirtuLook to create beautiful visuals is a straightforward process. All you need to do is following the steps below:

Step 1: Open the VirtuLook website and click "Get Started". You can sign up for free if you haven’t created an account already to access VirtuLook’s features.

virtulook get started

Step 2: Select "Product photo generation". You can also select “Try-on generation”. This is if you wish to generate realistic AI model images showcasing your brand’s outfit or clothing.

virtulook product generation

Step 3: Upload your photo by clicking “Upload”. VirtuLook will segment you photo automatically. It takes only a couple of seconds.

virtulook upload photo

Step 4: Select the parts of the image you wish to keep in the final photo. Then click “OK”.

virtulook select image elements

Step 5: Select the number of images you wish to generate. Also, select your background choice from the right tab on your screen.

virtulook image edit

Step 4: To generate your image, select "Generate Now" on the lower right tab.

virtulook generates halloween image

Below is the before and after comparison picture generated by the Virtulook product generation feature.

virtulook generates halloween image

Below is the before and after comparison picture generated by the Virtulook Try-on feature.

virtulook try-on

8 Additional Tips to Boost Sales on Halloween with Images

halloween sales image tips

Working to boost Halloween sales requires being strategic. You need to be strategic with the images you share with your audience. You can maximize your sales generation this season. Here are eight tips you can consider to increase your Halloween sales with images:

1. Multi-Product Marketing

halloween sales image product

Images are more likely to attract a customer's attention. As they give viewers a visual representation of a brand and its products. E-commerce brands can boost sales on Halloween. They can create multi-product Halloween-themed images to catch the attention of their audience. In compelling photos, you can advertise your best-selling product alongside other products. Inform your audience why they need the products together. The benefits they stand to gain from a multi-product purchase. A stunning image accompanied by powerful messaging will sell your products.

2. Online Store and Email Decoration

halloween sales image email

Your online store and email campaign need a Halloween stamp to increase Halloween sales with images. Include Halloween designs in your online store and email theme. Your product might not relate to Halloween celebrations. But you can still attract customers by demonstrating your enthusiasm for the holiday. Show your customers that you experience their joys and thrills.

3. New Product Images

halloween sales image arrival

Your product images will need a revamp if you want to do some effective Halloween marketing. Advertise your products in Halloween-themed pictures. Also, use catchy captions that highlight how your product is relevant for the holiday. Put your Halloween product images on your social platforms and any content you release to the public.

4. Include Exciting Deals

halloween sales image deals

Many customers are looking for exciting Halloween deals. And when they encounter your images, you want to give them a reason to patronize you. Include discounts and exclusive offers in your Halloween image designs. It maximizes your chances of increasing your Halloween sales. Customers will take a good deal that aligns with their purchase. And they tend to remember and talk about such experiences to their networks.

5. Social Media Targeted Ads and Posts

halloween social media ads

Your prospective customers hang out on social media. So you should share the Halloween cheer there as well to garner their attention. Upload your Halloween designs and images as ads and posts on social media. You can include a thoughtful caption or message that’ll stop their scroll. Then they can engage with your content. Of course, your images should be eye-catching as well.

6. Google Ads

halloween google ads

Google Ads is a popular way companies and brands advertise themselves. You can use your Halloween image alongside your ad message. A compelling image and ad should attract your ideal customer. Stop their internet surfing for a moment and fully satisfy their curiosity. Make your Google ad more attractive with your custom Halloween image and designs.

7. Organise Competitions or Trends

halloween competition and trends

E-commerce brands can organize competitions or trends. This helps customer engagement and boosts brand awareness. You can encourage your audience to post fun pictures of their Halloween moments. You can choose a particular hashtag they will use. Use your Halloween images to show your brand’s excitement around the holiday. Also, encourage customer participation. This is also a marketing strategy as more people will come to learn about your brand.

8. Customize Products

halloween custom products

Some brands may create special Halloween products. These products don’t have to be a brand-new addition to your collection. It can be a customized version of an existing product for the holiday period. You can create a custom Halloween-themed package box or wrap for your product. Showing your Halloween images of customized products may trigger further excitement in buyers.


  • What sells the most during Halloween?
    Costumes, masks, and accessories are the products that sell most on Halloween. People who are enthusiastic about the Holiday will want to express their spookiness. They wear some attractive costume, mask, or a relevant clothing accessory.
  • How do I market my business for Halloween?
    You can market your business for Halloween with Halloween-themed images. You can also consider other marketing strategies. These include social media posts, email campaigns, Halloween website design, discount offers, etc.
  • What are the most popular Halloween costumes?
    The most popular Halloween costumes in 2022 were Spider-Man, Stranger Things kids, and dinosaurs. Other popular costumes include vampires and the 1980s dress styles.


The visual appeal of the images you put out as a brand will influence your Halloween sales. You can increase Halloween sales with images that spark desire and interest. There may be other marketing ideas you wish to explore during this period. A tool like VirtuLook will make the image generation process fast and efficient. It gives you time to focus on other productive ventures and activities.

Jeff Johnson
Jeff Johnson Sep 27, 23
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Jeff Johnson
Written by Jeff Johnson
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