As the online marketplace keeps expanding, you may want to stay ahead of the competition and boost your online visibility. One of the best strategies to reach your business goals is incorporating professional product photos into your website. This method will attract your target audience, increasing profits and business expansion.

However, getting into professional product photography can be challenging, especially if you have yet to gain experience in the field. Luckily, we are here to help. We will guide you through the ecommerce product photos journey and discuss some of the best artificial intelligence solutions to step up your online game.

In this article
    1. Marketing
    2. Visual Representation
    3. Creating a Brand
    1. Step 1. Setting Everything Up
    2. Step 2. Styling Product Photos
    3. Step 3. Getting the Right Lighting and Shadows
    4. Step 4. Finding the Right E-commerce Product Photo Angles
    5. Step 5. Editing Images Properly
    1. Invest in Lighting
    2. Capture High-Quality Images
    3. Use a White Background
    4. Use a Tripod
    5. Edit Images on a Computer and Take Your Time
    1. Wondershare VirtuLook
    2. Adobe Sensei
    3. Pixelcut.AI
    4. Pros & Cons of Using AI Tools in E-commerce

E-commerce Product Photography Is Essential

If you are still considering whether professional e-commerce product photos suit your business, check out all the benefits you will gain below.


An effective marketing strategy can help you reach a broader audience and generate more profit. You need high-quality e-commerce product photos to boost your online visibility; people will be attracted to your professionalism and want to purchase your products.

Moreover, professional images can increase your SEO, and you can reach the top of search engines, gaining even more customers.

Visual Representation

People are attracted to visually pleasing products; the better they look, the more likely they are to sell. Moreover, your sales will skyrocket if your products correspond with current trends. Thus, always use visual product representation to boost your online productivity and engage the market.

Creating a Brand

ecommerce product photos

To run a renowned e-commerce store, you must make a name for yourself. What better way to sprinkle your uniqueness over your products than to take professional photos?

You can choose your desired environment, lighting, and backgrounds to create recognizable images. People will instantly differentiate your products from others on the market and know that you are a trustworthy seller.

How To Capture Product Photos for E-commerce

Now that we have covered some of the benefits you will gain from professional e-commerce product photography, it’s time to see what you need to do to create your desired images.

Step 1. Setting Everything Up

ecommerce product photography

Taking professional photos isn’t just about placing your product anywhere and taking a couple of shots. Instead, it is all about planning, creating the perfect environment, and choosing your ideal design. Before you take the camera into your hands, you should visualize your scenery and set everything up to fit your preferences.

Consider your ideal lighting, background colors, and additional elements surrounding your product to boost its visual representation. You can also render your perfect stage beforehand to see how everything will turn out.

Step 2. Styling Product Photos

When styling your product photos, you should add other elements that will complement your products without distracting viewers. You can try different scenes, objects, and aspects of your products and get opinions from your friends and family regarding the perfect scenery.

Moreover, you can use editing tools to increase product visibility or remove unwanted elements, as we will discuss later on.

Step 3. Getting the Right Lighting and Shadows

Choosing the ideal lighting is half the work. If your products receive direct, shining light, they will appear accentuated, and you will promote the main element in your images.

However, shadows can represent a problem; if there is a shadow over your products, they may block the essential features and ruin your pictures. Thus, you should find your ideal lighting option, take a few images, and see where to place your products for the cleanest shot.

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Step 4. Finding the Right E-Commerce Product Photo Angles

You can choose your ideal product photo angles depending on what you sell. For instance, if you sell cosmetics, you can try an aerial view or a direct pitch to give your products a gloomy or bold look.

However, if you sell, for instance, furniture, you can lower your camera to make your products appear more prominent and modern. You can play with the angles and find the one that best represents your product but ensure you won’t distort the product’s proportions.

Step 5. Editing Images Properly

editing ecommerce product photos

Editing is one of the most critical elements of professional e-commerce product photography. However, ensure not to over-edit your images because they may appear blurry and unprofessional. Instead, use editing tools to enhance the lighting, reduce the shadows, and remove unnecessary objects for the best results.

More tips:

How To Improve E-commerce Product Photos

If you are a beginner in product photography, you may need additional tips to make your images as best as possible. Here’s a list of steps to improve your photos and boost your brand.

1. Invest in Lighting

As mentioned, good lighting is half the work. If you don’t have enough natural light or can’t find a place that fits your products, you can use artificial lighting to boost your product images.

You can purchase light rings for starters, which you can place however you want and give your products a new look. However, if you need more light, you can turn to professional reflectors for the best results.

2. Capture High-Quality Images

You can’t take images with your phone and expect them to be professional. Instead, use high-quality cameras to give your products new life.

You can also search for the best cameras for your products and use different lenses to accentuate the atmosphere. For instance, if you sell food products, you can use macro lenses to define the texture of your products.

3. Use a White Background

You can never go wrong with a simple, white background. This color will add depth and create an atmosphere for your images, leaving you with a clean shot. Moreover, the white color will enhance your products and put them in the spotlight while eliminating distractions.

4. Use a Tripod

A tripod will be your best friend if you don’t own a professional camera and want the best e-commerce product images. Besides not having shaky and blurry photos, you can find your ideal angles. Moreover, you can set it exactly as you want and not fear that the camera might move during the shoot.

5. Edit Images on a Computer and Take Your Time

taking ecommerce product photos

If you want the best, high-quality images, you should use your computer to detect all the details in your pictures and see what you need to edit. You will see all the stains, creases, and imperfections you can remove using a larger display. When editing your images, it is essential to be patient and go through every pixel to make your visuals as clean as possible. You can learn more tips in our guide to product photography for beginners.

Use AI Tools to Make Your E-commerce Product Photos Special and Efficient

Capturing and editing your images is complex, especially if you are new to the game. If you don’t have advanced equipment and can’t afford it, you can use artificial intelligence to heighten the experience.

As AI keeps making waves, you can find various editing and photography tools to help you make the perfect shot. Even if you have used your phone for taking images, AI product photo generators can turn them into professional-looking photos.

To save you from searching for the best AI photography tools, we have created a list of the most trustworthy platforms you can choose from based on your preferences.

Best AI Product Photography Tools for E-commerce You Should Try

1. Wondershare VirtuLook

wondershare virtulook

Wondershare VirtuLook is one of the most advanced e-commerce photography tools on the market. It allows you to upload your image to the website, select your desired design, and let the algorithm do the work. You can choose between hundreds of generated images, download them, and use them as product images.

After using Wondershare VirtuLook for some time, the tool will remember your needs and produce professional images according to your brand, saving you some time. It is an all-in-one tool to help you reach your professional photography goals. Here’s how to use it to get your desired images:

    • Step 1: Choose your product photo and upload it to Wondershare VirtuLook.If you want to output the high-quality product photo, pay attention to the original photo that you upload.
upload product photo
    • Step 2:Change the style and background by selecting the different template. This option will change the areas of the picture that you don't want to keep to your preferred background.
create ecommerce product photos with ai
    • Step 3: Click the Cast the Spell button. After a few moments, you will receive different images of the product. It is as simple as that.
create ecommerce product photos with ai

2. Adobe Sensei

adobe sensei for ecommerce photography

Adobe is one of the most trustworthy companies, providing simple software solutions. It has developed an artificial intelligence and machine learning model that helps you create your ideal product images and videos. You can quickly and efficiently edit your existing photos or create new ones.

Similarly to Wondershare VirtuLook, you can choose between some of the generated options or opt for advanced AI tools that help you edit your current images. Adobe Sensei can remove distractions and noise and give your products a new life in just a few clicks. It’s an excellent option if you have yet to gain photography experience.

3. Pixelcut.AI for ecommerce photography

If you are searching for a one-click, simple tool to take your images to the next level, Pixelcut.AI might have what you need. This advanced model allows you to upscale your images, remove backgrounds, and quickly edit your photos in a few simple steps. The best part is that you can connect with your team and give product image suggestions for the best results.

You can use this artificial intelligence tool if you don’t have a professional studio but still want to create the same atmosphere. It’s one of the best, most popular editing solutions.

Pros & Cons of Using AI Tools in E-commerce

what is generative ai

As artificial intelligence is taking the world by storm, many wonder what benefits they can gain from using such advanced tools for their online businesses. Like every other tool, AI has its advantages and disadvantages, and we will paint a picture of all the pros and cons you may encounter by incorporating these elements into your online company.

  • Automation: By using advanced AI systems, you can automate tasks and cut the time it may take you to complete them manually.
  • Protection: AI creates recognizable patterns to protect your ecommerce shop from potential cyberattacks or other threats.
  • Analysis: Your chosen AI tools can analyze the market and propose new ideas according to your ecommerce store’s weaknesses.
  • Product management: You can use artificial intelligence to manage your inventory and always see what you need to restock soon and what might need better advertising.
  • Creating new products: If you want to stand out from the crowd, you can create innovative designs by asking AI models for ideas.
  • Accuracy: Some AI models have limited memory and can only provide information from a specific period. Thus, they might not be the most accurate solutions.
  • Cost: Since AI is taking over the internet, you must pay to get the most out of your tool. Some beneficial tools might be too expensive.
  • Abstract thinking: AI models cannot think like humans (yet). Instead, they can only present general information and not provide you with creative ideas.

FAQs about E-commerce Photography

  • What is e-commerce photography?
    E-commerce photography is the art of taking product images that will boost your online visibility. You can take pictures of your products and upload them to your online store. This process will improve your marketing, create a brand name, and attract a broader audience. Moreover, if you take professional images, your website will breathe trust, and people will gladly order from your online store.
  • How do you take pictures of e-commerce products?
    Choosing your ideal way to picture your products depends on the type of products you offer. You should create an interactive environment and tell a story behind your products using only your lenses and additional elements. Consider the ideal angles, lighting, and other objects for the best e-commerce product photography results.
  • What are the two types of e-commerce product photography?
    Currently, two types of e-commerce product photography can help you choose the best environment for your store. Product-only images are photos of your products on a blank canvas. You can use a white background to present your products and put them in the spotlight. This method represents your products only, with no additional elements.
    On the other hand, you can use the in-context photography type to present your products in different environments. For instance, you can take images of someone using your product while accentuating the product itself. Both of these photography types aim to present your products in the best possible light.


Owning an e-commerce store means taking care of the minutest details that may affect your reputation. Product images are some of the best elements that can impact your brand positively. Turning your products into picture-perfect shots allows you to create effective marketing strategies and boost your online visibility.

To save yourself from manual editing tasks, you can use advanced artificial intelligence tools that will do the work for you. You can automate the process and receive high-quality images in only a few clicks. Now that you know some of the best AI tools available, you can try them and enter the world of advanced AI systems.

Jeff Johnson
Jeff Johnson Aug 26, 23
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