In a competitive market, getting creative with chocolate photography is important to promote your brand effectively. While some may treat it as just another online product, remember that we are selling food, and it should look presentable.

It can be quite challenging – unless you know a few tricks! In this article, you'll discover some helpful chocolate photography ideas for your next chocolate photoshoot. Let’s get started.

In this article
    1. Chocolates With Intricate Details Emphasized
    2. Chocolates in Pitch Black Background
    3. Chocolates Exposing Its Inner Fillings
    4. Chocolates Surrounding a Cup of Coffee
    5. Chocolates Dropped Into a Bowl of Milk (With Splash Effect)
    1. Choose and Prepare the Background and Props Very Well
    2. Prepare the Chocolate Before the Photoshoot
    3. Use Gloves When Holding the Chocolate
    4. Install the Lighting in the Right Position
    5. Use the Appropriate Lens for the Photoshoot
    6. Calibrate Your Camera Settings Very Well
    7. Plan the Composition Beforehand
    8. Observe the Temperature Inside the Studio
    9. Post-Process the Photographs

5 Best Chocolate Photography Ideas To Try

Chocolate can be difficult to capture in pictures. But don’t worry; we compiled the top 5 best chocolate photography ideas for you to try.

1. Chocolates With Intricate Details Emphasized

chocolate bar details

This first photography idea lets you focus on the mesmerizing textures, swirls, and intricate patterns that adorn a piece of chocolate. To achieve this kind of photography, you must highlight the delicate swirls, glossy sheen, and enticing textures that make chocolate irresistible.

2. Chocolates in Pitch Black Background

chocolate bar in pitch black background

The background you choose for your photograph will depend on the type of chocolate. However, in this case, black chocolate captured on a black background still turned out sophisticated because black was used to make something look smart and expensive. Adjust to the right lighting to achieve positive results.

3. Chocolates Exposing Its Inner Fillings

chocolate with close-up sweet fillings

When it comes to chocolate photography, you will want to get a close-up of your subject, especially if you photograph tiny chocolate candies with mouthwatering fillings. If this idea piqued your interest, a shallow depth of field with a blurred-out background would help bring the eye to the subject. A vignette will also have the same effect in dark and moody photography.

4. Chocolates Surrounding a Cup of Coffee

chocolate with coffee

Photos are not beautiful solely because of the subject. The elements and context surrounding the subject are just as important in telling a story. Chocolate is entertaining to play with because of its various shapes. Instead of photographing a block of chocolate in its natural state, concentrate on enticing the viewers with the right props. Coffee and chocolate sound interesting. You can nail this combination with a little creativity.

5. Chocolates Dropped Into a Bowl of Milk (With Splash Effect)

chocolates dropped into a bowl of milk

High-speed photography is exciting because it allows you to freeze a moment in time and capture stunning images, but it takes a lot of practice and patience. When photographing a milk splash, set your camera to shoot in milliseconds. You can capture the most stunning milk splash with great timing and some luck.

9 Pro Tips To Master Chocolate Product Photography

Chocolate and social media were made for each other. It is the ideal way to share different photos with customers lining up to try your incredible bars, bonbons, and other chocolatey goodness. And depending on the look you want, you may need to employ a few photography tricks. Here are some pointers to help you master chocolate product photography.

1. Choose and Prepare the Background and Props Very Well

prepare the background and props

There is no hard rule that says you can't use props for a great chocolate photography shot, but the props you use are determined by the style you want to achieve. Individual chocolate bars can be photographed with a simple background and no props. Experiment with different colors. When photographing dark chocolate, use white or brightly colored props and backdrops; when photographing white chocolate, do the opposite.

Additionally, think about the mood you want to create when selecting different props. This will help you tell a story for your chocolate photography. For example, if the subject is a chocolate mint cake, you can include a mint leaf or a mint plant in the background.

2. Prepare the Chocolate Before the Photoshoot

prepare the chocolate before the photoshoot

Although delicious, chocolate isn't always visually appealing. When properly tempered chocolate is stored in a cool, dry place away from the sun, it will last indefinitely and retain its shine without issue. Droplets may form on top of the chocolate, which must be dried before shooting, and it may even begin to turn white, a phenomenon known as "blooming" - especially if it has been placed in the fridge to set. So keep your room cool, handle the subject gently and briefly, and you should be fine.

3. Use Gloves When Holding the Chocolate

use gloves when holding the chocolate

So you've got the perfect chocolate specimens. You must now keep them that way. Wear gloves that will not leave a mark on the chocolate when working with chocolate. Any fingerprints will be visible to the camera. White cotton gloves are nice but may leave a little fuzz behind. Latex gloves may be preferable.

When it comes to food photography, you may have to experiment a lot before you find the right composition. Meanwhile, the warmth of your hands will soften the chocolate. Have some extra chocolate to experiment with and determine your composition.

4. Install the Lighting in the Right Position

chocolate photography right lighting

One of the most important aspects of chocolate photography is determining the best light direction. When it comes to photographing chocolate, natural light is the best option. Of course, the chocolate should not be exposed to direct sunlight. To avoid heat and melting, photograph early morning in the shade or on a cloudy day. Try lighting from an angle that emphasizes the texture of the chocolate, but avoid lighting it from the front or the top. A side-lighting setup is a safe bet for many different types of shots. To enhance the photos of chocolate, use fill and bounce cards to carve the light.

5. Use the Appropriate Lens for the Photoshoot

use the appropriate lens

In chocolate photography, you typically need to work with very small scenes, and a close-up of your subject is essential. You need an 85mm or 100mm macro lens on a full-frame camera. While on a cropped sensor camera, a 50mm or 60mm macro lens will produce excellent results. Telephoto lenses can also be useful, especially if you want background bokeh and a shallow depth of field. Again, macro capabilities can be useful when photographing such small subjects.

6. Calibrate Your Camera Settings Very Well

adjust camera settings


When you're a beginner, learning to shoot in manual mode is one of the quickest ways to improve your photography. These camera settings work to control how bright or dark your photo is. Shooting in automatic mode, however, allows the camera to think for you. This is tempting, but it rarely results in optimal exposure. In these situations, we must be able to control our camera settings to capture the correct exposure and achieve the best results.

7. Plan the Composition Beforehand

chocolate photography composition

Composition refers to how the elements are arranged within the frame and how space is utilized. In other words, how you arrange your chocolatey scenes must be carefully considered. You must decide whether the photo should be portrait or landscape in orientation, which will vary depending on magazine formats, social media formats, printing sizes, and other factors. Finally, once you've determined how your images will be used, you can experiment with composition rules and guidelines to achieve stunning results.

8. Observe the Temperature Inside the Studio

chocolate melting

When taking pictures of chocolate, it's essential to be mindful of the studio's temperature. Chocolate is sensitive to heat, so keeping the studio cool and steady is important. If it gets too hot, the chocolate may melt or change shape, making it hard to photograph nicely.

Maintaining a cool temperature can preserve the chocolate's appearance and create attractive and mouth watering images. Also, remember not to expose the chocolate to direct sunlight or heat sources during the shoot. By controlling the temperature, you can ensure your chocolate looks appealing and perfect in your photos.

9. Post-Process the Photographs

edit chocolate photos

One last and most helpful tip in chocolate photography is to edit your pictures using photo editing software. After you've taken the photos, it's important to enhance them by adjusting colors, contrast, and lighting. This makes the chocolate look even more delicious and tempting.

You can also fix small imperfections and distractions to create a polished final image. Just be careful not to over-edit, as it could make the chocolate appear unnatural and lose its charm. Strive for a balanced and subtle approach to post-processing to make it stand out.

Explore Chocolate Product Photography With Wondershare VirtuLook

Discovering various wonderful ideas for chocolate product photography can be exciting. However, some of these ideas might seem too complex or costly to execute. But don't fret; there's good news! You now have the option to simplify the process and save money with the help of generative AI.

Meet Wondershare VirtuLook, the perfect tool to bring your chocolate product photography ideas to life effortlessly and without breaking the bank. Using Wondershare VirtuLook, you can easily achieve impressive results.

Wondershare VirtuLook offers a range of features specifically designed for chocolate product photography. It can generate high-quality images that showcase your chocolates most enticingly. Its user-friendly interface allows you to experiment with different styles, backgrounds, and compositions to find the perfect look for your chocolates. Moreover, you can customize your chocolate products by only typing text prompts.

No need to worry about expensive equipment or complicated setups anymore. Wondershare VirtuLook makes chocolate product photography a breeze, so you can focus on presenting your delicious treats in the best possible light.

Adhere to the following steps to improve chocolate photography using Wondershare VirtuLook:

  • Step 1: Open the Wondershare VirtuLook website on your browser. Click “Get Started”
click get started
  • Step 2: Click the product photo generation on the left and provide the AI system with pictures of the chocolate you want to photograph. These reference photos will help the AI understand the subject and style you're aiming for.
upload reference photos
  • Step 3:Select the area you want to keep.
describe results using text prompt
  • Step 4: Select the template you are interested in and click Cast the Spell. In just seconds, you'll begin receiving various images that match your vision and capture the essence of your delicious chocolate product.
generate images
  • Step 5: If the template does not meet the requirements, you can customise the input requirements. Include a text prompt explaining your creative vision for chocolate photography along with the reference photos. Describe the mood, composition, and any details you want to highlight in the final images.
click get started


Taking pictures of chocolate can be challenging. However, after reading this article, I hope you found these chocolate photography ideas useful and informative for capturing irresistible photos. For more automatic and convenient processing of chocolate photography, use Wondershare VirtuLook.

Now, grab some chocolate and start taking photos!

Jeff Johnson
Jeff Johnson Aug 23, 23
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