One thing to remember about taking beautiful product photos is to make them appear logical and essential. Customers are drawn to products that appear to be luxurious, effective, and worth their money. You can convey these qualities and more with high-quality beauty product photography.

This might not be easy since hiring a model or putting a beauty product on the table would not suffice. Trends are difficult to master, and you'll need some beauty product photography techniques to set yourself out from the pack. Get ready to discover how to take beauty product photos that will surely capture consumers' attention.

In this article
    1. Try monochromatic product photography.
    2. Photograph cosmetic swatches.
    3. Create a minimalist flat lay.
    4. Try recreating a certain brand's style of photographing cosmetic products.
    5. Make a simple arrangement.
    6. Take a photo of the product while being used.
    7. Macro shots ( Zoom in on specific product details to highlight textures, colors, or unique features)
    8. Incorporate natural elements such as flowers, leaves, or stones to add a touch of organic beauty.
    9. Utilize reflective surfaces such as mirrors, glass, or water to add depth, dimension and create interesting visual effects.
    1. Clean the product.
    2. As much as possible, use Macro lenses or extension tubes.
    3. Select the correct background.
    4. Shoot from below the product.
    5. Follow composition techniques to guide the eyes.

9 Beauty Product Photography Ideas

After the beauty product itself, the photos of products are the most important thing any business needs to succeed. So whether you’re selling makeup or moisturizer, your product photography matters. Here are some photography ideas you can use:

1. Try monochromatic product photography.

monochromatic beauty products

Using a monochromic camera instead of props is a less expensive creative beauty product photography method. However, you may take it further by using complementary hues as your background. Colors from opposing extremities of the color wheel are used in complementary combinations, resulting in a dramatic but eye-catching design.

Choose a dominant color for the background, props, and products to maintain a consistent palette. This will make your products stand out while maintaining an aesthetically pleasing look.

2. Photograph cosmetic swatches.

cosmetic swatches

Humans are drawn to symmetry by nature. Using our natural symmetry and taking symmetrical product images may produce a rapid eye-catching impression. Display multiple product swatches on the skin to demonstrate color variations and product performance.

Following that, it's a matter of using creative photo composition to keep the buyer interested. Use a smooth and even surface as the background, ensuring proper lighting to accurately capture the colors and textures of the products.

3. Create a minimalist flat lay.

beauty products minimalist flat lay

A flat lay is a top-down photograph of a product. You can take a flat lay of a single product or groupings of nicely arranged objects. However, have fun with it. Arrange a minimalist flat lay with a select few beauty products to create a clean, elegant, and focused composition.

Use a plain background or a textured surface with minimal props to keep the focus on the products. Arrange the items in a balanced and visually appealing manner. Regardless of the sort of shooting, flat-lay images are perfect for storytelling. All you need is the proper lighting setup and a few simple props.

4. Try recreating a certain brand's style of photographing cosmetic products.

luxury beauty products

Being authentic to your style is essential for establishing trust with your audience, especially if they are paying for your work. However, you can also try recreating a famous brand's style of photography. This can make a huge impact on how you deliver to your audiences


Emulate the photography style of a specific beauty brand to add a touch of familiarity or showcase your versatility as a photographer. Study the brand's existing product photos and identify their common themes, lighting, and composition techniques. Try to replicate these elements while incorporating your own creative flair.

5. Make a simple arrangement.

simple arrangement of cosmetic

Sometimes little is more, why not try making a simple arrangement of cosmetic products? Experiment with different backdrops, camera angles, and viewpoints, or create a certain atmosphere with lighting.

Place a single beauty product in a visually appealing and contextually relevant setting to tell a story or evoke emotions. Choose an environment or background that complements the product and enhances its appeal. Use props sparingly to avoid distractions and maintain focus on the product.

6. Take a photo of the product while being used.

woman using face cream

Beauty product photography requires at least a couple of product shots with a real person demonstrating how the item appears. It makes a significant impact on clients, and model services are inexpensive.

Choose a model with a look that complements the product. Capture dynamic shots of the beauty product being used by a model to showcase its application and effectiveness. Pay attention to lighting, angles, and composition to ensure the product is the central focus of the image.

7. Macro shots ( Zoom in on specific product details to highlight textures, colors, or unique features)

cosmetic cream close up

Macro shots are an excellent tool frequently employed in beauty product photography. Customers can examine every feature of the goods thanks to extremely close-up images. You may also accentuate the color by using a white backdrop.

Zoom in on specific product details to highlight textures, colors, or unique features, revealing the beauty up close. Use your camera's macro lens or macro mode to capture fine details. Steady your camera to avoid blurriness and ensure sharp, crisp images.

8. Incorporate natural elements such as flowers, leaves, or stones to add a touch of organic beauty.

organic beauty product

Don't be scared to utilize a lot of props if they highlight key characteristics of the product. Integrate natural elements like flowers, leaves, or stones to add a touch of organic beauty and enhance the product's allure. Choose elements that complement the product and create a harmonious visual connection. Use diffused lighting to maintain a soft and natural ambiance.

9. Utilize reflective surfaces such as mirrors, glass, or water to add depth, dimension and create interesting visual effects.

reflective surface photography

This is not a new beauty product photography concept but a tried-and-true photo effect that continues captivating shoppers. Incorporate mirrors, glass, or water to add depth, dimension, and interesting visual effects to your beauty product photography. Experiment with the placement of reflective surfaces to achieve unique reflections or create the illusion of a double exposure effect. Pay attention to lighting angles to control reflections and avoid unwanted glare.

Setting Up for Beauty Product Photography

Having appealing and clear product images is critical, which may make product photography seem daunting! High-quality images can not only attract new consumers, but they can also assist express your brand through product staging and here's how:

1. Clean the product.

clean beauty product

When you approach a product, you'll be surprised at how much dust, filth, and fingerprints there are. To save yourself time and stress later, thoroughly clean the product before you begin shooting. Wipe the product with a moist to before using an air can or equivalent to eliminate any remaining dust or grime. If you need to move or alter the object during the shot, donning gloves like those seen at a jewelry store can assist you in preventing getting fresh fingerprints or dust on the item.

2. As much as possible, use Macro lenses or extension tubes.

beauty product photography ideas 11

Photographing little objects may be challenging, especially when concentrating while photographing up close. Macro lenses are one solution to this problem but not the sole solution. Extension tubes are a cheaper alternative to more expensive macro lenses, allowing you to concentrate on very close objects. While extension tubes are substantially less expensive than macro lenses, they are equally as good in quality.

3. Select the correct background.

beauty product photography ideas

The background is vital in product photography, and selecting the proper background is frequently easier said than done. Ideally, you want something that enhances the product without detracting from it. If you're shooting for a client, the art director will most likely pre-determine this but consider elements like backdrop color and texture if you're shooting for yourself.

4. Shoot from below the product.

beauty products under table view

A typical product photography method is to shoot from slightly below the object to make it appear more heroic and intimidating. This may be accomplished by simply reducing the camera's location or setting the object on blocks or other materials.

5. Follow composition techniques to guide the eyes.

rule of thirds photography

The rule of thirds is a trendy composition strategy, though it is not the only or best composing technique. Leading lines, contrasting colors, and framing are additional well-known tactics, and there are other lesser-known colors, contrast, juxtaposition, narrative, and emotion-related variables that may also be employed to keep the viewer's attention and lead their eye.

Level Up Your Beauty Product Photography with Wondershare VirtuLook

Beauty product photography has become a crucial aspect of every business in today's digital age. High-quality product photographs make your items appear more enticing and also assist potential buyers in creating trust. On the other hand, creating high-quality product photographs may be a time-consuming and costly task. This is where VirtuLook comes into play.

VirtuLook is a product photography program that generates lifestyle and product images with a more natural-looking background than the usual white background. This is the only program that allows you to generate hundreds of high-quality photos in seconds. Use this software to improve your product visualization workflow. Here are some of its features:

AI-generated photos: Using only a reference image and a written prompt, you may create professional-quality 4K beauty product photographs.

User-friendly UI: Platform with an intuitive UI and rapid picture production and editing tools

Simple to use: This simple platform has the greatest picture editing tools, transforming any amateur into a professional photographer.

Fast, simple, and secure: This generative AI application can generate hundreds of photos in seconds by just using a few example photographs.

Ideal for product photography: Since it promotes your product with aesthetically beautiful photographs, it may assist the product marketing team.

VirtuLook is a cutting-edge application employing artificial intelligence to produce high-quality product pictures rapidly and efficiently. You can use this AI to create beauty product photographs that seem like they were shot by a professional photographer, even if you have no photography expertise. Here's how to use Wondershare VirtuLook:

Step 1: Open the Wondershare VirtuLook website on your browser. Click “Get Started”.

click get started

Step 2: Upload your original image and left click on the area of the cloth or product you wish to keep.

upload photographs

Step 3: Change your background by Using Template/Custom Editing.

Change the style and background by selecting the different template. This option will change the areas of the picture that you don't want to keep to your preferred background.

describe creative concept

Alternatively, if the template does not currently have the scene you need, you can try using the Custom Editing feature to generate your own customized photo.

describe creative concept

Step 4: Lastly, you can download or bookmark the photos you like. We also appreciate timely feedback from you regarding any issues with image quality or any other concerns you may have.


In beauty product photography, there is always room for innovation and experimentation. So, explore and unleash your creativity to craft images that resonate with your target audience. Armed with the comprehensive knowledge and with the help of Wondershare VirtuLook, venture forth and infuse your beauty product photography with passion and skill.

Jeff Johnson
Jeff Johnson Aug 26, 23
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