Are your commercial product photos becoming dull and blending in with your competition? It’s time to switch tactics. Try creative product photography , and you’ll experience much better results. With the growth of ecommerce, it’s crucial to keep pace.

Therefore, we’ve prepared 17 tips and techniques to help you get the best creative product photography ideas , from using smoke effects to leveraging AI.

In this article

1. Use AI to Generate Creative Product Photos

ai product photography generator

Another excellent solution for creative product photography is artificial intelligence. Try using an AI photo generator to generate product photos with ease. AI product photo generators don’t take existing pictures from the internet but create images themselves. Numerous AI photo generators are available online, so it can be challenging to pick the best one.

Thus, we recommend the best AI product image generator – Wondershare VirtuLook . Wondershare VirtuLook quickly generates realistic, high-quality product photos in just a few seconds. All you need to do is upload your product photo, provide it with a text prompt of what you need, and let AI do the magic. With advanced technology and generative AI, Wondershare VirtuLook is a perfect solution for creative product photos. The most exciting thing is that you can use the AI tool to generate 40 images for free.

The steps for generating product pictures with Wondershare VirtuLook are the following:

Step 1. Open the Wondershare VirtuLook website on your browser. Click “Get Started”.

access the official website

Step 2. Upload your original image and left click on the area of the cloth or product you wish to keep. (Please note that it is recommended to use the try-on generation function for mannequin images and the product photo generation function for product images). For optimal output images, it is advisable to review the basic requirements for the original photos first.

upload a photo

Step 3. Change your background by Using Template/Custom Editing.

Change the style and background by selecting the different template. This option will change the areas of the picture that you don't want to keep to your preferred background.

select image workflow

Alternatively, if the template does not currently have the scene you need, you can try using the Custom Editing feature to generate your own customized photo.

select image workflow

Step 4. Lastly, you can download or bookmark the photos you like. We also appreciate timely feedback from you regarding any issues with image quality or any other concerns you may have.

download image

2. Use a Floating Technique for Creative Compositions

product photography with a floating product

Using a floating technique is one way to make your photography more exciting. Creating the illusion of your product floating in mid-air gives your photos more depth and a three-dimensional look. Moreover, depending on the background you use, it can add more drama to the picture.

Use a wire, rope, or thread for this floating effect. Pin it, hold the product by it, choose a suitable background, and place the object before it. Once you’re satisfied with your product photos, edit the thread out of the picture.

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3. Use Smoke Effects

smoke effects in creative product photography

Smoke effects have proven to be very appealing to customers. They give out mysterious energy and add drama to your photos. However, since fog can lessen the line of sight, ensure your smoke doesn’t swallow your product.

For creative product photography, you can create smoke effects with dry ice or smoke machines. Moreover, you can add them later by editing them into your creative product photos. However, make sure to contrast the colors between your product and the background.

4. Add Still-Life Elements

still life in creative product photography

Still-life photos are classic, and you can’t go wrong if you insert some still-life elements into your product photography . Still-life product photos can include fruit, flowers, stones, crystals, random objects, etc.

It’s crucial to create thought-out compositions of your product and still-life elements. You don’t want still life taking the spotlight.

Add the elements, make perfect compositions, and always ensure your product is the center of attention. Moreover, ensure your background is monochrome so as not to overdo it.

5. Create a Pattern Within Your Composition

creative product photography patterns

Creating a pattern is a simple yet effective technique for product photos. By having your product appear several times in a picture, you’ll catch the eye of new customers and stay unique. It’s simple to set up and gives your product photos a nice rhythm and originality.

It’s so pleasing to customers’ eyes because it isn’t a busy, cluttered photo but bold and straight to the point. Creating a pattern in your creative product photography is easy. You can place several of the same product in a pattern and take photos, or you can take professional pictures of one product and create a pattern by editing it later.

6. Work With Different Models

creative product photography model

Models are a traditional way of selling products, yet they are highly effective. By having a model wear or hold your product, you can bring it closer to the customers as they can see it in use. Moreover, models can emphasize certain aspects of your product and help tell a story with just one photo.

We recommend working with different models to appeal to various groups of people. Thus, try to find models of varying age, gender, race, and body type to show your product can be helpful to everyone. Also, models can help you display your product creatively and uniquely.

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7. Try a Minimalistic Approach

minimalism in creative product photography

Another tip for having the best creative product photos is to try a minimalistic approach. With minimalism, you can create more with less. Minimalism in product photography will evoke consumers’ curiosity and draw them to take another look. Moreover, it’ll also interest your customers to learn more about your product.

Minimalism helps your customers concentrate on the product you’re advertising. With as few as possible other elements in the frame, customers will have their focus only on your product. Moreover, minimalism appeals to a broad audience, making it a perfect marketing approach.

8. Use Humor to Leave an Impression

humor in creative product photography

Even though humor may not be your first choice for marketing, it has proven highly effective. Humor captures customers’ attention and helps them remember the ad longer. You can emphasize certain product features using humor and relate to your customers.

Humor can leave a playful impression on your customers and help you build better rapport while seeming more trustworthy. A humorous approach to advertising products draws people to take a second look and remember your brand or product better than your competition.

9. Use Reflective Surfaces

creative product photography reflection

A reflective surface is another excellent idea for making your product look more appealing. Place one or more products on a reflective surface to create a three-dimensional perspective and shoot the photos from different angles to capture this effect as you see fit. That will make your images look more artistic and abstract and otherwise ordinary scenes more refreshing.

Also, it’s more interesting for the viewers and, therefore, more likely to keep their attention. You can create this effect using a glass or acrylic sheet, but a mirror can help you accomplish the best results.

10. Shoot Outdoor Product Images

creative product photography outdoors

Product photoshoots are often in a studio with a set background and scenery. However, outdoor product photography gives astonishing results. Even though you’ll have to deal with wind, uncontrolled lighting, dust, and dirt, you’ll have incredible and unique product photos.

Moreover, some products are more suitable for outdoor settings. Thus, you can opt for a field with flowers, forest, pavement, or anything else that suits your product. Additionally, you can find incredibly mesmerizing locations that will capture your customers’ eyes and stop them from scrolling away.

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11. Find Creative Product Shoot Angles

creative product photography angles

Nearly everyone takes product pictures from the front of the product or above it. Thus, try experimenting with different angles for best product photography. You can take photos from underneath or the side of your product. Experiment with perspectives to get the best shot and highlight your product’s features.

However, overdoing it can sometimes distort your product, so be careful. A slight change in the angle of your shots can make a big difference and make customers stop and take another look. By playing with angles, you can make your product seem larger than it is, thus attracting customers’ attention.

12. Make Your Product Photos Creative With Props

creative product photography props

You can enhance the visual effect of your product pictures by integrating different props. Choosing exciting elements and props can make your product pictures stand out and draw attention. Moreover, when you place various props strategically, they’ll enhance and highlight your advertised product.

However, be careful not to overdo it with props. If you clutter the picture with many props, your product won’t draw much attention. Thus, focus on quantity and quality and always connect the type of props to your product to better enhance its features.

13. Show the Contents of Your Products

creative object photography with spilled contents

All of your potential customers have seen what your packaging looks like but haven’t seen what’s inside. Open your product and show the viewers what they are getting. You can capture the use of your product in photos and make it fun and lighthearted.

Pour the contents on a surface and shoot from different angles to make it more artistic or wipe it on the background to show off its textures and create depth in your images. It will show your customers how easy it feels to use your product, and it’ll feel familiar to them.

14. Include Human Elements

creative product photography with human elements

Another practical tip for making your creative product photos more personal and attractive is to include human elements. Usually, it’s a hand or an arm interacting with the advertised product. A human touch in your product images makes it much more approachable and intimate to customers.

Your hand model can hold, touch, throw, or use your product. It gives a realistic note to your product images and makes your marketing more believable. There’s no need to include a whole person in the picture, just a hand coming out of nowhere to advertise your product. You can be as creative as you want.

15. Shoot Macro Shots for Creative Results

a macro shot for creative product photography

Macro shots give an incredible visual effect to your product images. You can find different macro lenses for your camera and use them to create appealing images. Macro shots allow customers to see the texture of the product you’re advertising and give a unique look to your creative product images.

For instance, if you’re advertising a skincare product, you can do a macro shot of the product to show its particles and ingredients. If you’re promoting a bottled drink, you can shoot macro photos of an ice-cold glass bottle to show how refreshing it is. Experiment with macro shots to get the best results.

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16. Display Products in Context

creative product photography with a product in use

Another way to create unique creative product photos is to display products in use. A product-only image can be compelling, but showing a person using your product can better affect your customers and make them want to buy it.

For instance, if you’re advertising a body lotion, having a model putting body lotion in the picture can better impact potential customers. Moreover, you’ll build a more trustworthy image of your brand if your customers can see your product in use. Try different shots and find what works best for you.

17. Try a White Background

creative product photography with a white background

Using a white background in a creative product shoot is easy and has many benefits. It only requires a white sheet or paper roll placed on a flat surface. Position your product on it however you like and start shooting. The white background product photography will make your product stand out, and because it’s plain, it won’t distract viewers from the product.

It also makes the picture look cleaner and more minimalistic, attracting a potential customer’s eye. White is a neutral color, so you can easily combine it with any other color or color combinations. It’s also a frequently chosen method of shooting products because the white matches most website designs. Besides a white background, using a black background for product photography is another excellent option.


If you want to enhance the effectiveness of your marketing, try creative product photography. You can get highly effective product images for advertisements by making creative shots.

Try these best tips and techniques to leave an excellent impression on your customers, from mirror effects and patterns to still life and smoke effects. Moreover, experiment with an AI product photo generator to create incredible creative product photos in seconds.

Jeff Johnson
Jeff Johnson Aug 26, 23
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